4. Geochemical Modelling and Mine Water

Ann Maest, Kirk Nordstrom

Minimum 15, maximum 35 delegates
Regular € 290/310 Students € 200/220

Updates on latest advances in applications of geochemical modeling to acid mine drainage and mine waters in general

Engineers, consultants, regulators, academic and government researchers

Workshop outline

  • Models: define, purpose, meaning, ≠ codes, importance of conceptual models
  • Geochemical models: used for understanding and interpreting water-rock interactions, testing conceptual models, characterization, permitting, planning remedial design, and evaluating remedial and monitoring data
  • Geochemical models: consist of speciation, mass transfer, mass balances, reactive transport
  • Geochemical models: two approaches, forward and inverse modeling are used
  • Geochemical models: the codes include list with references; test cases; databases
  • Major hydrogeochemical processes
  • Afternoon (13:30 – 17:30): Methods of predicting water quality from mine wastes: ABA, NP/AP, HCT, hydrogeochemical modeling
  • Case studies: ≈ 10 examples

Group work for interested attendees: Selection of case studies for modeling; presentation to class

Expected outcome will be a deeper understanding of the underpinnings of geochemical modeling and how and when it can and should be applied to solving practical issues related to mine-influenced waters.

You will get flash drives loaded with presentations, relevant papers, and case studies.

You need to bring with you